“As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” (2 Samuel 22:31, New King James Version).

This is the key Bible verse for the “Come and See” devotional today.

The closest that any of us could ever approach to the state of flawlessness is to earn the title of a genius; in other words, a person of outstanding intellectual ability. However, no single person is competent in all matters of life; indeed, even the geniuses among us are only masters of a specific task. On the other hand, we all become skilled by addressing and overcoming new challenges and we improve with practice, although this often takes time and effort.

As suggested by today’s key Bible verse, the Almighty God is perfect and flawless in all His ways. He is competent in everything pertaining to us because we are framed and crafted by His wonderful hands. He is more knowledgeable than the earthly experts and engineers who often need to recall their products after initially passing a quality test. There is no blunder with God:  whatever He makes has no defect. Genesis 1:31 (New King James Version) states: “then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”

Why is it so difficult for us to have absolute trust in the error-free God? James 1: 3 referred to Him as the “Only Wise God”.  We find it very easy to trust doctors and surgeons to attend to our medical needs based on their experience or qualifications. As narrated in the book of Luke 8: 43-48, the woman with the ‘issue of blood’ relied on the expertise of doctors, but she forgot that the experts have their limitations too. Nevertheless she was healed by the infinite competency of the Almighty God to cure the incurables and solve unsolvable puzzles.

We can trust God through His words. His competency is often verified through His Word and His Promises. The Word of God is the maker of all things as stated in John 1:1-3. Also, Psalm 107:20 (Amplified Bible) states: “He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction.” We can all recreate our world through God’s infallible Word.

We have read many accounts of what God did in the Bible and heard several miraculous experiences of people who trusted in His Word. Faith is built on God’s Word and His Promises. The Almighty God who divided the Red Sea for the Israelites to walk on dry land has not lost His ability to make a way to safety for us. His limitless strength never fails and His reliability is ever consistent.

Any burden that we are carrying alone can be passed on to God through His Written Word in the Bible. As we acknowledge our limitations to solve all our problems, simply take advantage of the unlimited capability of God to help. Proverbs 3:5-6 (New King James Version) states: “trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Let us pray: “Father, I receive grace to rely on your boundless capabilities and through your unfailing promises help me to triumph over my life challenges” in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

This message was brought to you by Evangelical Ministries International (EMI). We know this message has been a blessing to you. Please share your testimonies with us by visiting our website www.evangelicalministries.org or contact us on info@evangelicalministries.org. God bless you!